3 Best Foam Roller For Travel – Blackroll Lightweight Fascia Release Tools

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Blackroll foam rollers

A regular and habitual muscle recovery regime has challenges that lay not only in discipline but also in logistics. Finding a foam roller or any self massage tool that isn’t bulky and can be transported when travelling or being kept in a gym bag is a little harder than it should be. The best athletes and those who train regularly are already aware of the importance of consistency in muscle recovery, self massage and rest protocols. It is definitely harder than it should be to find simple, light, versatile and compact myofascial release tools that you can take anywhere – until now, that is. We have the 3 best foam roller for travel in 2024 all from the one brand.

The solution to light and compact self massage gear is the Blackroll Blackbox Mini. We have been using the 3 best foam rollers that come in the Blackbox Mini for the past 3 months and to be honest they are so light we thought the box was empty when it arrived! Sure, traditional foam rollers have their place in myofascial release and there are a plethora of options, types and technologies on the market for self massage tools to relieve stiff, sore and tight muscles. 

The truth is, cylindrical foam rollers have many limitations for targeted, intensive and point specific muscle and fascia release. Not only that, we are sure the last time you tried to squeeze your leg sized foam roller into your bag to travel with it you also encountered some issues? The Blackbox Mini foam roller set which comes with 3 different types of targeted muscle release tools weighs a grand total of 75g which is a game changer for upgrading muscle recovery that you can travel with. Let’s take a closer look at how you can use each tool and why this kit is perhaps the most handy, cost effective and convenient solution to exercise recovery we have come across.

What Is Fascia And Why Do We Need To Release It?

Some experts call fascia the ‘organ of form’. It is a soft, connective tissue that “permeates the human body, forming a whole-body continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support. It interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones, and nerve fibers, creating a unique environment for body systems function- ing.”

This represents quite an important consideration when engaging in muscle release and recovery – if we want to have any chance at attacking muscle tension, pain, stiffness or soreness, we have quite a tricky barrier, the fascia, to get through first. 

Our fascia is referred to in many ways including ‘fascial web’, fascial net’ and ‘fascial system’. This interconnected, whole body, fibrous layer allows everything to slide along each other while maintaining some degree of separation of the skin from the muscle. It is a moist, slippery and strong layer that is equally as important in maintaining mobility and strength as the muscles themselves.

The good news is, regular movement is a good way to maintain supple and loose fascia – “the motion is the lotion”. Conversely, sedentary habits like sitting at a desk for long hours each day could contribute to tight fascia that will deny access to the muscles when we use massage foam rollers, massage guns, compression boots and other myofascial release techniques.

Chronic stress, poor posture, lack of flexibility and repetitive movements can also affect the quality of the condition of the fascia, causing the fibres to thicken in an attempt to protect the underlying muscle. 

So to keep the fascia supple, moist and loose, in a condition that will allow the most mobility, flexibility and freedom of movement available to muscles it is important to: move regularly, move well, and release the fascia with massage, foam rolling, percussion therapy guns, ice baths and sauna therapy.

We have been getting stuck into the 3 fascia release tools that come with the Blackbox Mini, which has proven priceless for things like IT band and calf tightness after running, back pain from travel, tight glutes and chronically contracted quads from lifting, other common areas that we like to focus on when foam rolling like the feet and around the thoracic spine.

Why Is The Blackroll Blackbox Mini The Best Muscle Recovery Foam Rolling Set For Travel?

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This really is self-care in one box. This multifunctional exercise equipment consists of a BLACKROLL® MINI, a BLACKROLL® BALL 08, and a BLACKROLL® DUOBALL 08 – perfect for addressing individual muscles and specific areas of the body while still being practical on the road. The individual products let you massage points in different parts of the body like the arms, the neck, shoulders, and also feet, calves, and the Achilles tendons. These tools are super versatile and can be used on the floor, against a wall, or on a table. 


Blackroll rollers in gym bag Best Massagers, Best Picks

One of the reasons this foam roller trio hits the mark for best foam roller for travel 2024 is its weight (or lack of). The Blackroll foam roller is lightest foam roller on the market. All three of these tools weigh in at a combined total of 75 grams, as mentioned earlier, which means each piece is roughly 25 grams. To put this into perspective, an AA battery weighs about 25 grams. The benefit of this is that even carrying all three fascia tools in a gym bag or suitcase to take your recovery tools with you wherever you go you will barely notice them. In fact, when we pack these three Blackroll massage tools in our bag we can easily slide all of them inside our training shoes to minimise the space they take up. 

Durable Material

Holding the blackroll duoball roller Best Massagers, Best Picks

The Germans really do know how to make things. These massage recovery tools are German designed and super durable. Despite the weight and 100% recyclable material, the massage rollers and trigger point balls are odour free, water resistant, super easy to clean & sanitise, they won’t absorb fluids or dirt and can even be chucked in the dishwasher to clean as they are dishwasher resistant. To be sure, the gear comes with a 100% satisfaction and money back guarantee so you can be sure that what you are buying meets the standards. 

Environmentally Conscious Foam Rollers

We are very receiving mobility and recovery tools that maintain an environmental pledge. Blackroll insists that this gear is environmentally friendly, is made using energy-saving production methods, is made from up to 100% recyclable material, is free of propellant gases and also free of other chemical propellants that add to its green production nature which we love and are sure you can appreciate too!

Where To Use The Blackroll Mini Foam Roller

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At first we were sceptical that the width of the Blackroll Mini Roller would achieve much access to the muscle. What we found was that despite the width, the density of the mini roller really gives it some broad uses. In particular, the mini roller is suitable to use on the calf and achilles tendon area, the plantar fascia, along the torso or lats, around the thoracic region of the back, around the quads, upper arms and lower front shin muscles (tibialis anterior).

Rolling Out The Feet For Ankle Mobility And Plantar Fasciitis With Blackroll Mini Roller

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The feet are often the most neglected area but are the first point of contact for the majority of our movement, especially for things like running. The feet are our foundation and need just as much attention as the larger muscle groups like the quads and glutes. Plantar fasciitis is a very common cause of heel pain that can be triggered and aggravated by prolonged standing, walking, running and obesity, among other factors.

After long runs we have found that 10 minutes focussing on rolling the inner arches of the feet with the mini roller has proven effective at reducing pain associated with running and lifting as well as relief from being in boots or shoes for long periods. We’ve also found toe spreaders to be extremely beneficial at combating toe and foot pain from running, wearing shoes or boots, or just being on the feet all day.

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It is also worth mentioning that ankle mobilisation and general ankle mobility pre exercise is a massive factor in how well the body moves and determines how well protected you are from injury relating to the ankles and feet. To improve ankle mobility The Mini Roller is the perfect size so that it can be placed under the toes and knee tracked back and forth over the foot. We do this for 30 or so repetitions on both feet before running, cycling, hiking or lifting.

Rolling Out The Side Body And Lats With Blackroll Mini Roller

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The Mini Roller is perfect for rolling out the side body and lats from pain and tightness related to a multitude of potential reasons for soreness like sitting, over use, heavy training involving pulling or chin ups, frozen shoulder issues and other over compensation issues. As we mentioned, the Mini Roller can be travelled with and can be used on the go as part of an easy access to foam rolling any time. We place the Mini Roller on the ground on the wall beside you with the arm extended over head to provide access to the side body. Explore the areas from all the way up under the armpit down to about in line with the sternum on the side body to find any points of pain, tightness and soreness. Holding on a particularly tight spot and deep breathing for 20-30 seconds can also be effective to release before moving on. 

Rolling Out The Front Of The Shin Muscle With Blackroll Mini Roller

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After a big stair or hill run session, big bike ride and when playing dynamic sports like tennis and squash are when we notice the most pain in the tibialis anterior or the muscle next to the shin. This is where the Mini Roller really shines because it is small and dense enough to get into the muscles without rolling on the actual shin bone which can be painful. We simply prop ourselves up on all fours and place the Mini Roller under the shin area and roll up and down as required. You can add or remove pressure by sitting back into the roller depending on how sensitive the muscle is. 

Where To Use The Blackroll Duo Ball

The duo ball is a peanut shaped trigger point roller that is our favourite for getting into the calves, lower back, glutes, neck, hamstrings and upper arms or anterior deltoid. The curved shape of the Duo Ball allows the roller to rest between some difficult areas to roll out like the spine, calves and arms. 

Rolling Out The Calves And Achilles With Blackroll Duoball

Rolling out the calves with blac Best Massagers, Best Picks

The Duo Ball Roller is the perfect shape to cradle the calf and achilles tendon. You can start in a sitting position with one leg bent and the other leg that you intend to roll out outstretched with the Buo Ball placed under the calf. Use your arms to prop yourself up and slide the body back and forward and add or remove weight to the experience depending on how sensitive the calves are. 

Rolling Out The Shoulders With Blackroll Duoball

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The shoulders can get tight and sore after a lot of overhead lifting, pressing, pushups and repetitive movements. Traditionally, we have found that rolling out the shoulder can be awkward if you don’t have the right mobility and rolling tools. The Duo Ball roller is the perfect shape to cradle the shoulder while rolling the tool around the muscle. We like to use this roller either standing side on to the wall or laying side down with the roller under the shoulder. Standing against the wall gives a little more control over the pressure as you slide the roller up and down the shoulder muscles, using the weight distribution of the body to press harder or softer into the wall.

Rolling Out The Neck And Traps With Blackroll Duoball

Rolling out the neck with duobal Best Massagers, Best Picks

The neck and traps are really tricky spots to access with a traditional roller, but again, the peanut shape of the Buo Ball works perfectly. The neck is still a super sensitive and delicate area of the body and we like to keep the pressure low and the movements very slow and simple when rolling out the neck. The Duo Ball can be placed in the centre of the neck with the head resting down, then rotate the head side to side. We also find that you can access the traps quite nicely if you press the body back with the feet in small pulses up and down in a parallel motion to the floor.

Where To Use The Blackroll Ball 08

The Blackroll Ball ball is a cricket ball sized and shaped trigger point roller that is perfect to use for targeted rolling and getting deep into the muscles. We like to use the Blackroll Ball 08 on the hips, hamstrings, glutes and chest. 

Rolling Out The Chest With Blackroll Ball 08

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There are a couple of ways to roll out the chest to relieve pain and tight muscles associated with training, work and posture. The first way we use the foam roller ball is simply by grasping the ball in the hand and rolling it around the pec region avoiding the bony areas of the chest. We find that it is good to use the alternate hand of the side of the chest you are rolling so that you can disengage the muscle properly. You can also add more pressure by using two hands but that can sometimes contract the muscles and not allow you to release it effectively. The best part is this method can be conducted sitting at the desk, while watching TV or when travelling in a car or plane. The other method of rolling out the pecs with the Blackroll Ball 08 is by laying down on the ground with your arms stretched out perpendicular to the body with the ball under the chest. This is a fantastic way to get deep into the pec and really press down onto the ball with the weight of the body. You can also lift the arm and move it around to access different areas and explore the muscles.

Rolling Out The Upper Back With Blackroll Ball 08

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We are sure all of you have experienced bad upper back pain and stiffness from driving, sitting at a desk for long hours or even carrying a pack for long periods of time. A traditional roller is good for myofascial release and mobility around the upper back or thoracic region, but the Duoball is even better! The Wall Angel is the best movement to improve mobility and movement in the thoracic and reduce pain from stiff and sore muscles. Simply press the back up against the wall or lay down on the floor with the Duoball near the mid-upper part of the back and raise and lower the arms above the head then back down in a chin up motion. You can slide the roller up and down the back as you continue this movement.

Rolling Out The Glutes With Blackroll Ball 08

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Rolling out tight glutes can be a strange mix of pleasure and pain. For those who sit for long periods, have chronically contracted glutes from poor posture, tight glutes from lifting, running, cycling, squatting and any other exercise related stiffness, the ball is your best friend (and worst enemy) for getting deep into the muscle and releasing it for faster recovery.

We find that the best way to roll out the glutes is by sitting up with one leg crossed over the other in a figure 4 position with the ball placed under the glute. You can then prop yourself up with your arms and add or remove weight as you roll the ball around the glute and find tight spots.

Rolling Out The Hamstrings With Blackroll Ball 08

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Tight hamstrings can lead to all sorts of other issues like lower back pain, tight hips and can worsen pain for sciatica. The Blackroll Ball 08 is super handy at getting into the hamstrings for muscle release and effectively increases mobility in the legs, back and hips. Much like rolling out the calves, the Ball 08 can be placed under the hamstring with one leg bent and the rolling leg outstretched, simply rolling the ball back and forth finding the tight spots in the hamstring. We have also found that you can stack the other leg on top of the bottom leg to add more pressure and weight to get a deeper muscle release in the hamstring.

Free Blackroll App For Self-Myofascial Release Sessions

Did we mention that Blackroll has its very own, FREE muscle recovery and mobility app that shows you how to use all of the gear with pre set recovery sessions. It is quite basic, but explains in simple terms how and where to use each tool for specific areas of soreness, tightness and release. That app allows you to set your desired time for the session, choose your area of focus for recovery and set the tools that you have available in your arsenal. It then gives you timed exposure to each area with basic instructions both written and visual on how to conduct the fascia or muscle release.

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Final Word From RG

There are so many different ways to roll out muscles and fascia for self myofascial release. The Blackbox Mini Set with the Duoball, Ball 08 and Mini Roller has so many uses to roll out pretty much any part of the body. We find this roller set such good value as it can be carried anywhere, travelled with and stored in your gym back to have access to foam rolling wherever you go. 

Smarter recovery for humans…

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Jayce Love
Jayce has spent the last decade in the military as an elite Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diver and has an ever growing passion for biohacking and recovery for peak performance. Jayce has accreditations in fitness and nutrition, cold water immersion, and regularly adopts human Guinea pig status to test out the latest tools, techniques, practices, gear and gadgets in the name of optimal fitness, recovery and wellness.

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